Friday, February 27, 2009

Backside of 27 Weeks

Well, it's a little late, but I'm still at 27 weeks. Things are "moving" along well. And, I mean that literally. This little guy/gal sure is a mover & a shaker. It's been kicking/stretching/flipping like crazy! It even wakes me up sometimes!
Nothing really new otherwise to report. I'm growing, the baby is growing & Eric is growing ;)
I had an appointment last week and everything looks great. I scheduled our childbirth preparation classes and started scheduling interviews with in-home daycare providers. So, needless to say, our March is going to be busy!!
Travis & Jess now get here "this" Monday and are staying with us until the get the call to go to Hawaii. That could be a week, a month or 2 months. Hopefully Travis can help Eric get the house all ready for inspection and we can move upstairs quickly!!

Monday, February 16, 2009

26 Weeks

Well, I've hit 26 weeks. I still feel great and feel like I looked bigger in last weeks picture ;) I think the shirt had something to do with it! Nothing really new, except we finally got our crib home. We haven't put it together yet because we're not "techincally" supposed to have anything upstairs. We're still living in the basement with temporary occupancy, so we could get in trouble. But, it's nice to know that we finally have it.
Next week, our friends Travis & Jessica are coming to stay with us for a while. She's a traveling nurse and is waiting to get a gig in Hawaii. So, until they get that call, they're going to live with us. Travis is going to help Eric on the house and Eric's jobs. And I think Jess is going to do some freelance nursing if she can find some.
We didn't do too much for Valentine's day, pretty low key. I made pork roast, baked potatoes & sweet corn Saturday night. Eric took me to my favorite place for brunch Sunday morning. And, that was about it. I started cleaning for when Travis & Jess come. That was enough excitement for my weekend.
The house is coming together. Eric finished up the fireplace over the weekend and continued on the siding. Hopefully with Travis helping, we can move into the upstairs that much sooner!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

3D Ultrasound

Hey all. I had a 3D ultrasound when I was back in Iowa over the weekend. It was amazing. A big thanks to my cousin Courtney who did this for me!! Pictures are below!


Nothing else really new. I spent the weekend with my family and had a great time. Went shopping and bought a great maternity wardrobe!! Ate at my favorite pizza place, Wig & Pen and saw my niece's cheerleading competition. Pretty nice, relaxing weekend.

Baby is doing well - kicking like crazy and I keep on growing! My next appointment is next week, so that's likely when the next update will come!

3D Ultrasound Pictures

Photobucket Album

Monday, February 2, 2009

6 Months!!!

Well, not a whole lot new since my last post. But, I have finally moved into month 6. I'm 24 weeks along today. I've been making Eric take belly pics every week. He doesn't really like to do it... but it's his job! ;) Sunday while watching the Super Bowl, I had Eric sit with me on the couch and feel my belly. He felt the baby kick/punch for the first time. He thought it was pretty neat. Just wait until I'm further along and he can see it move!

This coming weekend is one I'm looking forward to. I'm visiting my sister, Steph, in North Liberty. It's been a very long time since I've gone to stay with her. We're planning a lot of girl stuff. We plan to visit my cousin who's doing Dance Marathon (I did this in college and loved it). I may also be getting a 3D ultrasound from another cousin!! And, we're going to go shopping for some new tops for me. My mom is planning to drive down Saturday morning for our shopping trip. And, my brother's family is going to join us for supper on Saturday night. Then, Sunday morning I get to see Emma perform in a cheer competition. I'm excited to have some "me time." And, I know my family is excited to see how big I've gotten.

Work is going well. Everyone keeps asking me if I'm going to get onto a day shift once the baby comes. That's not looking promising! The 5pm producer position is still open. But, the station has been laying off, so I don't think they're filling any positions at this point. So, I'm just thinking that I'm grateful that I have a job. And, with my schedule we can do part-time daycare. Now, I just have to find that part-time daycare to take the baby to!! That's a work in progress!

Well, off to work!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Baby Sanderson Blog!!

Well, since we live away from all of our friends and family, I've decided I should probably begin the process of a blog! I'll post updates and pictures from time to time. Just remember, I'm in front of a computer 8 hours a day, so I may be pretty bad at this!

For those of you aren't up to date, I'm pregnant. I'm at the final stages of month 5. Monday will be 24 weeks. So, I've passed the half-way mark.

We had an ultrasound on January 20th. This is your first viewing of Baby Sanderson. Quite a little profile he/she already has. We're not finding out what we're having, even though Eric would really like to. I think it really became real to Eric at the ultrasound, once he saw it. And boy - it's a mover & a shaker. I feel it daily now!
As far as the house, it's coming along. We've only painted the nursery so far. We are set to move upstairs early March and once we do we can start decorating it.