Tuesday, April 28, 2009

36 Weeks

Well, now I really feel like we might be coming down the home stretch. I have started the task of packing the bags for the hospital. The baby's bag is all packed, I just have to toss in the coming home outfits. I bought a boy outfit and a girl outfit over the weekend. Now, I'm working on my bag. That's a bit harder because I need some of the stuff I'll have to pack.

We got our stroller/car seat combo from Eric's mom and sisters last week. We are very happy to have that in our possession, now I just need Eric to install the base so I can get it checked out. We also got an extra car seat base off our registry from a guy I work with. Next in line - the pack & play.

I had an appointment on Thursday and the doctor said everything was looking good. She gave me some tips to keep water retention at bay. I had one bad day with that, but nothing since then. This week I start my weekly visits. And, tonight is our Newborn Care class. I don't really know what all we will learn at the class, but I'm looking forward to it!
I have a shower at work on Friday - so I'm hoping to get some more stuff off the registry that we really need before the baby gets here. There are only a couple of things left that are necessary - like a nursing pillow and the pack & play. So, next week I'll blog about all of the goodies we receive!! Sunday morning a girl from work and a friend in town are taking me to brunch. This is because my friend isn't invited to the work shower! That will be nice!
Other than that - not much new here... still pregnant!! Eric took me on a date Saturday night to a Mediterranean restaurant. My food was good, his wasn't. So, I don't think we'll be going back there. But, it was fun and needed.

Monday, April 20, 2009

35 Weeks

Well - we're really winding down to the end - I hope! It's not that I'm not feeling well, I'm just really excited to meet this little baby that's been moving like crazy inside!! Actually, I'm still feeling pretty good. Just minor complaints: back aches at work, heartburn/acid reflux while sleeping and my hips are definitely getting ready for birth - they're starting to throb.
We had our maternity ward tour last week and we are really encouraged by the hospital. It is a very small and private wing that is completely closed off from the rest of the hospital (which means top security for the baby). They have some neat programs in place. One that has really sparked our interest is a program called "Baby First." Basically, after the baby is born, the doctor checks the baby out to be sure it's healthy - then mom, dad & baby get to be alone for an hour. It's supposed to be very good for getting a jump-start on breastfeeding because the baby can eat right away. And, it's a great bonding time for the 3 of us. So, we're taking advantage of that for sure. We can bring in our family whenever we'd like, but they suggest we have some time just the 3 of us to bond. Then, when that hour is up the doctor and nurses take the baby away to do all of the weighing, checking, measuring & circumcision (if it's a boy).
Last week was pretty busy with some training for new stuff at work and appointments like the maternity ward tour. This week, I only have a doctor's appointment and the cable company is coming - that is enough for me.
Over the weekend I cleaned all of the floors and dusted the upstairs of the house. I just need to tackle the study next. It's been our overflow of boxes and stuff. So, that's my goal for this weekend. I'd like to get the boxes unpacked before the baby arrives. Oh, and Eric has been working on stripping and sanding a dresser that he's had for a while. He's going to paint it white to match the crib & glider and it'll go in the nursery.
That's all for now. Don't forget to vote on when you think I'll deliver!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

34 Weeks Down - 6-ish left to go?

Well - we're really coming down the home stretch now... I hope.
We had our childbirth preparation class on Saturday and learned a lot. Apparently - unless my water breaks - I'll be at home through the first stage of labor. They want me to stay home until I can no longer walk/talk through a contraction. She said that's about 3-5 minutes between contractions for an hour. Eric & I were both a little surprised by this, as we thought you go as soon as you start having them. And, most women's water doesn't break... so that's another thing to consider. If it does - then we go after calling and checking with the doctor.
We learned a lot about pain relief for that first stage of labor - including changing positions & massage.
After our day full of learning - we ventured out to do some shopping. We were considering buying our stroller/car seat combo and pack & play. But, we didn't have any coupons for Babies 'R' Us - so we're holding off. So, if any of you get a good coupon - let us know. Plus, if the baby does come early the store isn't that far from the hospital. Eric can just run out and buy it.
But, we did end up buying a new camera which we really needed. It's just a newer version of our old one. Our old one was not taking very good outdoor pictures. So, now it'll be Eric's work camera to help him on the job.
Just a few more things to get before the baby arrives. I suppose I should buy a diaper genie and a nursing pillow. And, some socks, didn't get many of those for some reason. Otherwise, we have plenty of onesies and sleepers to get us through for a while!
Well, back to work - that'll be all for now!!

Friday, April 10, 2009

The end of 33 Weeks

Sorry - I'm behind this week. I've had some kind of appointment nearly every day this week. But, I did manage a lot over the weekend. I took all of the tags off all the clothes and blankets we received and washed them all in baby-safe detergent. Then, I hung them back up and organized it all. Here's a look at the closet:

Then - I took all of the bedding off all of the beds and washed it, and remade the beds. I think I had a little case of nesting!! That about did me in - because I had been feeling sick all weekend.

I had a prenatal checkup Thursday and asked her about being sick. She said I could safely take Zantac-D and the first dose helped so much. So, I am feeling much better. She said everything is looking great. Measurements are normal, my blood pressure is great & the baby's heartbeat is normal, too.

The baby is moving like crazy. It's starting to keep me awake during the day. That and the fact that my belly is getting bigger - both are making it very hard to sleep.

Also this week I had a tour of the pediatrician's office. It's a great place. Didn't get a chance to meet the doctor because he was in appointments - but I've heard many great things about him. We have our childbirth preparation class all day Saturday. Looking forward to that, so I'll let you know how it goes.

For now: here are some more pics of the nursery. No belly pic this week - it didn't turn out too great!

Yes - that is a TV next to the crib. Eric told me I should have taken it out before taking the picture (oops). He's hoping it will keep him sane during middle-of-the-night feedings! We'll see!