Sunday, May 31, 2009

Labor & Delivery

Since many of you have asked - I figured I should let you know how labor went. We went to the hospital at 6pm on Saturday night 5/16. When we left the house, my contractions were about 3 minutes apart and getting stronger. But then, I got into the car and they were 7 minutes apart. By the time they hooked me up to the machines at the hospital, they were 9 minutes apart.

But, they wanted me to stay and be monitored. At about 8pm, the nurse told us Benjamin's heart rate was staying too level - it wasn't spiking the way they wanted it to with stimulation. So, we had to have a sonogram to see what was going on in there. The technician said he was running out of amniotic fluid. So, they said I was staying.

At 9pm I was put into a room and pitocin was started. The contractions got a lot stronger over the next few hours. At 1am I was in active labor and was having a very bad contraction. I asked Eric to rub my back and as he touched my back we both felt/heard a loud pop. We thought he had popped my back - until I felt it... my water broke. I'll never forget that feeling, and neither will Eric ;)

That's when things really heated up. The contractions really started to hurt and were progressing. At 2am I was finally 4 cm dilated and they said it was time for the epidural... thank the lord ;) The epi went great - I didn't have a contraction through the entire process. And, I even talked about the next child with the doctor - which he laughed at!!

My family showed up shortly after and I got to talk to them, then Eric's parents showed up and chatted for a bit. And, we even got a nap.

At 5am the nurse came in and checked me and I was 9 cm. It was about time to push. Eric thought it would be great to take a picture before I pushed - and I guess I'll share:

At 5:15am - they told me to begin pushing. I pushed for 45 minutes - Benjamin James was born at 5:59am. At first - I wasn't too happy about the pitocin, but I'm glad I didn't have to stretch that labor out and go through it all at home!! We decided to do the Baby First program and had Benjamin in our room with just the two of us for the first hour. That time was amazing!!

And - here's a picture of the end result: Benjamin!!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Baby Benjamin

Okay - I've been slacking - but I have a good reason. Benjamin James was born 5/17 at 5:59am. He was 7 lbs 9oz and 20.5 inches long. He is the most beautiful baby boy in the world - but we're biased ;) We've obviously been very busy with feedings, diaper changes and catching as many cat-naps as possible.

Don & Wanda stayed with us for the first week after Benjamin was born. They were a great help. Don helped Eric get a bunch of brush cleared out of our back yard and got the garden planted. Wanda was a great help in the house - and taking care of Benjamin when I needed a nap.

My Mom got the 2nd week of Sanderson duty!! She was just amazing. My whole house is cleaned, so now all I have to do is keep on top of it and it should stay nice. She even washed my windows and cleaned the upholstery on the couches in the basement. Oh - and she baked our favorite cookies, chocolate crinkles.

My sister, Steph, comes to visit with her daughter, Emma, next weekend for about 5 days.

Okay - back to Benjamin. He's been a great little boy. I have to wake him to feed him... but he's just starting to figure out that hunger reflex. He's been starting to stir about 15 minutes before I am about to wake him. We had his 1 week checkup yesterday and it went great! When we left the hospital he was down to 7 lbs 3oz. Yesterday - he was 7 lbs. 11oz. So, the doctor said I could let him sleep for one 6 hour stretch once a day. I tried it last night and he slept 5 hours before stirring. He also grew 1.25 inches. He's growing fast! I sent out pictures to many of you - but if I missed you, please let me know! I'll try to update as often as I can - but I feel guilty spending time on the computer when I could be cuddling Benjamin - or napping ;)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

38 Weeks!! And a busy day!

Well, I'm still feeling great - so that's the first and foremost thing to report right now! I had a little swelling that I talked about last week. But, over the weekend, I cooked up a bunch of chicken and veggies with little/no salt and I've been eating that for meals this week. I've been really watching my sodium intake and haven't had anymore swelling!!
Over the weekend, I made a CD to take to the hospital for labor, picked out some DVD's and finished packing my bag.
Well, we almost thought we needed it Tuesday morning. I thought my water may have broken and was leaking a little bit. So, I called the nurse at the hospital and they had me come in. I called Eric on my way home and told him to get ready. I picked him up and we packed the car - just in case. Well, it wasn't broken but they did monitor the baby for about 1.5 hours. The nurse said he/she wasn't quite in the parameters they wanted for reaction to stimulus... so they kept monitoring. But, by the end the little bambino finally started responding. And, we were sent home and told to keep track of kicks. So, it was a long morning, but better to be safe than sorry.
The nurse did tell me that I am just over 1 cm dilated and about 80% effaced. And, I am having pretty progressive Braxton Hicks... which is good. They're doing their job of getting me ready for labor!! And, I got everyone at work worked up by leaving early. But, they'll be surprised to see me back at work tonight!!
Well - I think that hits it all. I will continue to keep everyone posted. I have another appointment today - so I may post a very short update to let you know what I find out (if it's any different than I already know).

Friday, May 8, 2009

A quick update!

Hey everyone. Just a quick update after my appointment yesterday. Everything went well. She says I'm still measuring where I should be. I did gain a couple of pounds - but I've noticed a lot more water retention the last two days. So, I'm tryinig to cut back on the salty foods and enjoying a bath when I get home. I am still at the same stage - 1 cm dilated and 75% effaced. So, no progress there. Next appointment is Wednesday afternoon. I'll keep everyone posted. Baby S. is still moving like mad! Rolling around looking for room ;)

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

37 Weeks

3 Weeks to go... give or take!! It's been a busy week since my last update. We had our newborn care class Wednesday and actually learned quite a bit. Most of it focused on the 5 S's to calm the baby. Swaddling, side/stomach holding, shushing, swinging and sucking. They also talked to us about how the baby won't look "perfect" when it's born... all the different things that can be odd that we haven't been told about! There was also a very short demonstration on changing diapers. But, since I have 6 nieces & nephews... I let Eric try that lesson!!

Thursday I had a check-up. I am now going every week and they're checking my uterus. I was 75% effaced and 1 cm dilated. So, she says my Braxton Hicks are doing their job and getting my body ready for labor. Everything else at this stage is going well. I'm still feeling great. I am having some troubles sleeping & breathing... but that's not too bad.

I got a lot of stuff purchased over the past week that I think we need before the baby arrives. I got the pack & play, towels and washcloths, socks and my nursing pillow. I just have to buy the baby bath tub thing. And, on Saturday, I took the carseat to the fire department and they installed it for me and showed me all of the components of how it works.

Friday - my coworkers had a baby shower for me. A bunch of them went together and got our high chair! And, we also got more clothes and toys. So exciting. And, one of the producers got me a gift card for a massage!! Can't wait to use that!

Sunday, I had another small "shower." Dion is the girl on the left - she planned the brunch. Dion is one of the morning anchors at the station. Crystal, the next girl, is from work also (a producer) and wasn't able to make the one at work. Then, Laurel, is one of my friends outside of work. We ate at Lidia's (amazing!!) and had some great conversation!! I think I had one of everything on the dessert buffet!!

Everything for baby is washed and ready to go, we're just waiting on the baby now. Eric put together the stroller, pack & play and the high chair. They're all stored neatly in their spots in the house. The baby's bag is packed and mine is almost packed. So, now the waiting begins!

I'll be sure to keep everyone posted on the progress, so check back. I may post again Thursday after my appointment to let you know what I find out.