Sunday, August 23, 2009

Beautiful Weather & A Ball Game

Well - I've been pretty bad about blogging since I've been so busy with work & Ben! So, here's to catching up!!

Monday, Ben and I started going to our new support group meeting. He weighed in at 13 pounds, 12.5 ounces!! What a growing boy! We didn't really have any other big news from last week. I asked for suggestions at group about how to get him back to sleeping through the night. He was waking up earlier for Ben than when I was at home. They suggested I put something that I had worn in the crib with him. It seems to be helping!

He's loving daycare and doing so well with her!! He had one more fussy day this week, but she's very good at calming him!

Last night, we went to the Royals game. Eric got tickets to sit in a suite from a lady he does a lot of work for. It was awesome!! Free tickets, great seats, free food & drink!! Can't go wrong there. Ben did a great job and was happy most of the evening at the game!!

Other than that - nothing really new here. This week is going to be a long one for me. We are down a producer all this week then I'm working on Saturday so one of the other producers can take a weekend off!!

Enjoy some more photos!!
Ben chilling on the couch:

Playing in the exersaucer:

Playing on the floor- he's starting to roll over on his left side!!

Friday, August 14, 2009

First week of work, done!

Well, it's official - I'm back to work!! I have survived my first week back. It went very well and Benjamin did so well at daycare. He only had one fussy day and it wasn't even that bad! And, he's still eating like a champ, but luckily I've been keeping up with him!!

We had a great week together last week on my last week at home! Thursday - we went to visit my friend Lisa at her new house. She was nice enough to take a picture of us together:

Then Friday, we had a little get-together at our house for people at work. It was my bosses last day, so we thought we'd have a going away party for him. Everybody loved our house and it was nice to enjoy it now that it's all finished.
We'll get to see how much Ben weighs on Monday when we start our new support group meetings! He's really starting to figure out his legs and hands. He's starting to put his fists in his mouth. And, he's talking/cooing a LOT!! It's so much fun!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

11 Weeks Old

Well, Benjamin & I went to our last daytime group meeting today - I go back to work on Sunday night. We've had such a great time with the girls & their babies at Wednesday group - so it was a little sad. Some of us have been going out to lunch afterward - so we've become pretty close. But, we'll go to a new group on Monday nights twice a month! And our friends Jackie (the mom) & her 7 month old Kylyn are also going to that group!!

Today Ben weighed in at 13 pounds, 7 ounces!! Yikes! He gained 10 ounces from last week! So, he's really growing!
It's been a pretty slow week! I've just been enjoying the time I have left with Benjamin - holding and snuggling him! Eric started doing the overnights & early mornings since he'll have those starting Sunday night!! He's been doing great with it - especially considering Ben woke up at 4am every day this week. He'll get back to sleeping until 6 or 7 - I hope!!
Benjamin had a great time on his tummy the other day - I got this big grin out of him:

And - I started putting him in his exersaucer- with a little help from some padding! He loves it!