Wednesday, June 17, 2009

4 Weeks & Growing Quickly

We've hit another milestone. Benjamin is 4 weeks old! We went to our breastfeeding support group today and Ben weighed in at 9 lbs 14 oz. He's a growing boy. Just 2 weeks ago at group he weighed only 8 lbs 4 oz. He has been sleeping great. The last few nights he's taken a bottle from Eric at 10pm. He's been asleep by 11pm and doesn't wake up until 4 or 5am. That's been very nice to get that long of a stretch of sleep.

Benjamin has also been awake a lot during the day. I love this time because he just sits and stares at me while I talk to him. He enjoys tummy time and he's starting to turn toward us when we talk to him. He also seems to be focusing in more on objects.

We've realized his fussy time is at about 8pm when he's fighting sleep. He gets very angry for about 10-15 minutes - and then he passes out! It's all trial and error!

This weekend is father's day and Eric's parents will be visiting us. We're going to the Royals game on Sunday. It's supposed to be 90 degrees - so Ben & I may have to drive separately in case he can't make it through the whole game!

Well - back to working on some stuff around the house while he naps!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Busy Family

Well - I've been thinking that I have to keep this blog up... and I never get around to updating it! Thinking something and actually doing it are quite different in the parenting world!

We are all doing great. Steph (my sister) & Emma (niece) just left this morning after getting here on Saturday. We had a very nice time. It was nice that I was up to doing things. We went for a very nice walk one day, baked another day and mostly just hung out. We did a lot of errand running and some shopping. And, yesterday was the best of all. Steph watched Benjamin while I got a massage!! It was amazing! Sunday night, she babysat while Eric & I went to dinner for our anniversary! That was also a very nice time! We enjoyed being able to sit and talk without having the distraction of crying Benjamin... not that we mind it!!

There were a lot of firsts this past week. Benjamin had his first time sucking on his pacifier:

Benjamin also sucked on his thumb for the first time:

He also took his first bottle from Steph while I was at my massage. She said he did pretty well, but apparently he's a very messy eater! I already knew this, as he tends to get my clothes pretty messy while nursing! Who knew I'd have to pack clothes for myself as well as for him in the diaper bag??
Nothing else is really new. I've been letting him sleep as long as he wants and not waking him up for feedings. That's made it much more bearable - I didn't like to wake him while he was sleeping. He's about out of his newborn clothes. I'm curious to see what he weighs when I take him to my support group meeting on Wednesday. On the 3rd - he weighed 8lbs 4 oz. That was up from 7lbs 11 oz at the pediatrician only 6 days prior! So, he's a growing boy! I've noticed he's eating a lot more as I haven't felt as "full" and he's eating for longer periods!!
Well - he's starting to stir. Time to eat again! I'll post when I can! Meanwhile - if you're on facebook I've been pretty consistent about posting photos there.