Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Nearly 9 Months!!

Well - in a few short days - Benjamin will be 9 months old!! It's so crazy to believe that it was that long ago that I was holding the little cuddly baby in my arms!

It seems like a lot has happened since the last time I posted to the blog. Benjamin has been working hard on learning new things.

His tooth has completely broken through the gums and is about halfway out!!

He's clapping and waving!! It's so fun to see him wave "goodbye" to us when we leave him at daycare. And - he loves to shake his head no & nod yes... but never in a way to tell us yes or no. I'm sure he'll get that soon!

He's also quite the climber. If we're sitting on the floor or on the couch with him in our arms - he's everywhere. He pulls himself up, lunges himself forward, and climbs all over us! His newest thing is flinging himself backward. So - we have to be careful he doesn't do this when we're carrying him!!

Another thing he's mastered - sitting up in his crib, especially when he doesn't want to nap. He did this several times Saturday when I tried to lay him down for his afternoon nap. He pulled himself right up to sitting... little stinker!!

He's still eating like a champ!! He loves to feed himself - so we're stocking up on the puffs!! I tried to give him some diced sweet potatoes over the weekend - and they got pretty mushy and we ended up just feeding them to him!
I should also add that my very good friend at work, Brian, is now a Dad!! His wife, Traci, gave birth to twins last Wednesday. Noah & Sarah are still in the hospital in the NICU as they were 6 weeks (to the day) early. We're praying for them to keep growing and eating well!!

Well - I better get to work!!

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